Schedule of Activities:

  • 11:00 am - Check-in, and social hour. Come on in, pick a place to set up your chair, and get to know each other! While you're at it, browse around and check out the auction items, get your raffle tickets, and visit the vendors' tables!
  • 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - Lunch - Food will be available for a reasonable price. Soft drinks, water, and snacks will be available all day or until gone. While food is being served, owners are asked to ensure that their dogs practice their manners, and that they don't bother the food vendors or people while they are eating.
  • 1:00 pm - Auction. We can't wait to see what all will show up on the auction table this year! We will have fewer items in order to be able to finish at a reasonable time. That means there will be more items on the raffle tables!
  • 2:00 pm - Games! will include King and Queen Contest, Costume Contest, Best Singer (Howling), and Furthest Traveled.
  • 3:00 pm - Raffles.
  • 4:00 pm - Clean-Up party.

  • Scroll down for more details...

    via snail-mail

    (updated: 07/02/2022 )
    Online Registration
    (updated: 07/05/2022 )
    Activities and Vendors
    (updated: 07/05/2022 )
    (updated: 07/05/2022)
    Vendor - A Sky Sew Blue
    (updated: 08/17/2022)
    Vendor - Dennis Dan
    (updated: 08/29/2022)
    (updated: 09/02/2022)
    Vendor - Indiana IG Rescue
    Vendor - Lemmy Jemmies
    (updated: 08/26/2022)
    (updated: coming soon)

    Check back soon for updated information!

    Iggy icons by Loraine Andrusiak -

    Go to Martingale Collar Bargains


Gift Shop
Available Rescues
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Italian Greyhound Rescue Contact:
Kim Bunger
