2019 Iggy 500 Vendors and Activities
check back frequently for updates!




Handmade Hazen / Russell Anthony - Handmade Hazen is an IG focused boutique maker of fleece and cotton products. Leash & collar sets, sweaters, slings, and our main product - Dog Pockets. All items are handmade in the USA.



Susie Sews / Susan Jones - custom-made dog beds, coats and more



Kissing Booth / All your Iggy BFFs - Love, Kisses and fun photo ops! $1 per kiss or photo, with all proceeds going to rescue.


Pet Supplies Plus, Indianapolis Broad Ripple
- $ 5.00 Nail Trims on-site
- $25.00 Dog Wash Cards - - Purchase a card and get FIVE Self-service dog wash sessions - Everything you need to wash and dry your dog is provided. Can be used at any Pet Supplies Plus store. Proceeds go to Italian Greyhound Rescue.

Games at the Pit Stop
Led by Deb Robertson,

Iggy 500 Founder:
Iggy Sprints ...
Barbie Doll Contest ...
Pie-Eating Contest ...
Howlin' Fun ...
Tiny Hiney & Best Buns ...
... and lots more!

Check back for more details





and drinks


Off-site veterinarian facility:

VCA Advanced Veterinary Care Center
7712 Cross Pointe Commons
Fishers, IN 46038
(317) 578-4100
Location off 96th street



Iggy icons by Loraine Andrusiak - http://www.members.tripod.com/whippetrun_bc

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